You will receive an appointment confirmation email with details of your booking. We look forward to seeing you in the clinic.
Important notice about your appointment
Before your appointment, please fill in the form below ready for when you arrive
Booking Summary
Appointment Type
Breathwork Consultation
Date & Time
Payment Amount
Terms & Conditions
This reservation is for the allocated time slot you have chosen. If you wish to change this booking please allow us 24 hours notice, and you can transfer this credit to a new time slot.
If you need to reschedule or cancel without 24 hours notice of your appointment, payment is non refundable and can not be transferred to a new booking.
All bookings are taken with the mutual agreement that we reserve an allocated time slot, with the practitioner requested, and specifically for whoever the appointment is made for. Once booked, we expect that you honour and fulfil that agreement.
In the event that you are not able to fulfil the booking as agreed, for whatever reason, we require at least 24 working hours’ notice to transfer your booking to another appointment in the future.
Any unfulfilled appointments without 24 hours’ notice will be chargeable in full. This charge will either be:
• Deducted from your account credit (if prepaid or on a care plan)
• Deducted from your stripe account card details (These are stored securely on your file if you previously booked online).
• Noted as outstanding on your account for future reconciliation, on attendance of your next appointment.
Please note we do not operate our clinic phone on Saturday afternoons or Sundays. You are welcome to cancel or reschedule your appointment online via your email link booking during these hours. All email reminders for Monday will be sent out via email on the preceding Friday72 hours before your appointment.
At the time of booking routine appointments, you will be notified of this policy in a verbal manner by our team, and it will be attached on the bottom of all confirmation emails. We will also display these updated terms in the clinic.
Our commitment to you is that we endeavour to honour your booking time slot with the specified practitioner, where at all reasonably possible. In the event of practitioner absence, for whatever reason, you will be offered an alternative practitioner to fulfil the same time slot as agreed, as to not disrupt your care plan, as far as reasonably possible. If you wish to remain with the same practitioner, we will offer you the next available slot with that requested practitioner in the future.